Monday, February 14, 2011

My Most Memorable Valentine's Day

My most memorable day on Valentines Day was last year when I was getting ready to go on pass for the weekend and Heather got me some candy. I was really excited and happy because I had never had a person that cared so much about me and for me to get me something for Valentine day. After I had got ithe gifts from Heather on Valentines day I went to her house and gave her a big hug and told her thank you alot of times. After I went to Heather's house I was on my way on pass and so the rest of the day I basically had alot of sweets because my grandma threw a party for the family and so my Valentines Day went really good.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job KIKI keep up the good work and dont let stupid things get in your way so u can acheive in stuff. Happy V-day!!!
