Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I Learned in English 9/10 Second Quarter.

This year In english 10 second quarter I learned alot of useable informaiton. For example when I barely started the second quarter we reveiwed what is supposed to be expected in the cirruclam. I learned the definitions of character,irony and ambiguity in the story's we read and the text that we review. The most interesting part of the second quarter in what I learned is that my class and I got to review what we learned and I can always go to my google docs, blogger and all my post that we keep our information in. I also learned how to use alot of tech stuff and what is required in our tech stuff that we use.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Lamb to the Slaughter" - I'm the Detective.

If I was a detective investing the murder of Patrick Mahloney in "Lamb to the slaughter'' by Roald dahl. I would have first ask Mrs. Malohney if we can check the house and ask her to step outside while we check her house for any evidence or any fingerprints who killed her husband. I would have asked Mrs. Mahloney if there was anything particulary wrong with her house or if anything felt weird in the house that she never experienced. I would also have Mrs. Mahloney what time did she come back from the store and what she was wearing or what was her husband wearing. I would've have been a very specific investigator I would have kept asking Mrs. Mahloney questions and checked her house or any evidence.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Lamb to the Slaughter" Mary's Giggling .

At the end of “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Ronald Dahl, Mary Maloney begins giggling because she did not tell the police that she killed her husband. Also the police men do not know that Mary is trying not to make it obvious that the steak she hit her husband with she cooked the steak. Also the police is being really sweet to her and is being nice to her because the police man does not expect Mary to commit man slaughter or murder. After the police leave the house, I predict Mary will continue on with her life and never confess to what she did to her husband and how she killed her husband.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Situational Irony in My Life.

A situational irony that happened in my life was when I was taken away from my grandma when I was six years old. I was just playing outside and I was playing with my little sister. As soon as I turn to go inside my sister and my mom was fighting and arguing at each other and I did not know if they were playing or not. Not until I seen them both go outside fist fighting and the police drove by the house and seen what was going on. It was not even 5 minutes before I see the police come take my sister away and then take us away in a cps car. I was so scared I sat all the way by my brother and I rocked him to sleep almost because he was so hurt that we left the most important people in our life. But that is my situational irony because I was expecting us to stay with our grandma for ever.

Monday, December 6, 2010

“Persuasive Project.”

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