Wednesday, May 12, 2010

APA formating a paragraph

The way you can use APA format in your research paper is by gathering all your information and put the paragraghs in body format. Such as introduction, topic sentence,main idea, conclusion. When your citing a source you are writing the source where you got your information from like a encyclopedia . The writer needs to cite a source when you need to find some more information on your topic of your essay. When the writer finds a quote that is a versus summarized text then the writer needs to put parenthesis, and the barricade around the quote. A reference page is where you found all of your URLs that connect to the essay. I will use the APA format in my essay so that I can learn the steps in order to get a good grade on the essay and I also would use the APA format because the steps are really helpful.

Ice T may have went through alot in life but from this day and beyond the future he has been making his own songs and have been inspiring alot of young people in the world and in the community.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Free write 10sso

Yesterday was a nice day. I thought I was going to be off two hour but I was wrong I am still on two hour because I have two D's in my core classes. But its okay because I will get off next Friday and so I can have some fun with my friends an instead of going inside at eight o'clock I can go in at 9 o'clock. I cant wait until this weekend because it is Mother's day and I am just going to sit in the house and cry all day and sleep and go out side with heather and Chelsea. I will still just sit and cry because it's mothers day and that is a special day for all the mothers that have been their for you no matter what you have been through.

Sunday, May 2, 2010



This Friday the school and the NA side had a barbecue for everyone. The barbecue was alright the activities were very exciting and humorous. When I went to the first activity I was not feeling that well because my stomach was hurting and I was sad also because my family and personal things. I also did not understand the order of the activities because a lot of people did not sign up for the games and so the people that signed up did not get to play the activities because the people that did not sign up went to go first.