Sunday, May 22, 2011

SPA Prom 2011

This Friday I went to prom with most of the students from SPA. I had a great time. I wore a blue dress with black high heels and my make up was really nice because my house social worker did it. When I had got on the bus I was excited but at one point I wanted to go on pass. I just stayed on the bus and went to prom. The way to the hotel I was asking myself how the prom looks and what is to be expected. When I arrived at the hotel it was really pretty and big all around. As I was walking in the prom I was really impressed that I cam because the building was really decorative and nice. After all I had a great time I mostly spent time with Sabrina it was a great experience and I am looking forward to another great year of dancing and having a good time with friends.


  1. Sounds like you had a lot a fun. You looked really pretty that day to. I never seen you wear heels today.

  2. I hope you thanked your social worker for doing your hair.

  3. I don't know if I told you but you looked amazing at Prom. Your very beautiful but I did notice you didn't dance a lot.

  4. Great Job on your blog KiKi!! Keep up the good work!:D

  5. im glade you had fun you looked good

  6. You looked pretty took, I hope next year you have another awesome dress.

  7. Kiki, You did look very gorgeous and I just wanted to let you know.

  8. I didn't know you went to prom, But im glad that you had a good time.
